Good news, Marvel fans: This October, Marvel’s Helstrom debuts on Hulu, and IGN has brand new photos from the first three episodes! The horror-tinged show revolves around the kids of a powerful serial killer, Daimon (Tom Austen) and Ana Helstrom (Sydney Lemmon), and their mother Victoria (Elizabeth Marvel), who has been institutionalized for the past 20 years.

Sydney Lemmon (Ana Helstrom) and Tom Austen (Daimon Helstrom). Credit: Katie Yu/Hulu
Plans for Helstrom were announced about a year ago alongside a live action version of Ghost Rider. At this point, Helstrom remains one of the few Marvel shows left on Hulu’s docket after Howard the Duck, Tigra & Dazzler, and Ghost Rider were cancelled. (The cast for the animated M.O.D.O.K. was revealed back in January, and there’s been no news on Hit Monkey yet.)
Rounding out main roles in the supernatural series alongside Austen, Lemmon and Marvel, whose parts were revealed last October, are June Carryl (Dr. Louise Hastings), Ariana Guerra (Gabriella Rosetti), and Alain Uy (Chris Yen). Last November it was also announced that Colossus actor Daniel Cudmore would appear in a recurring role as Keith Spivey, a nurse at the same hospital where Victoria is confined. Cudmore’s character was said to be created for the show. Late last year, showrunner Paul Zbyszewski, a producer on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., commented on the casting: “We feel incredibly fortunate to have landed a cast loaded with this much talent.”

Gabriella Rosetti (Ariana Guerra) and June Carryl (Dr. Louise Hastings) Credit: Bettina Strauss/Hulu
The Hellstrom siblings (yes, with one ‘l’) first appeared in the pages of Marvel comics back in the early 1970s when supernatural titles like Tomb of Dracula were popular. In the comicbook, the brother and sister were actual children of Satan, and they wielded supernatural powers; however, Daimon, who was brought up in Jesuit-operated orphanage, attempted to exercise his dark powers for good, while Ana put hers to more evil use as she was raised by her father in the midst of demons. Given the slight title change and the introduction of at least one new face, it will be interesting to see where Hulu takes this dark story and characters!
Check out the rest of the photos below:

Elizabeth Marvel (Victoria Helstrom) Credit: Katie Yu/Hulu

Robert Wisdom (Caretaker) Credit: Katie Yu/Hulu

Tom Austen (Daimon Helstrom) Credit: Bettina Strauss/Hulu

Alain Uy (Chris Yen) and Sydney Lemmon (Ana Helstrom) Credit: Bettina Strauss/Hulu