The Russo Brothers introduced Spider-Man into the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the first time in 2016’s Captain America: Civil War. At the time, it seemed crazy that Disney and Sony worked out a deal to allow the web slinger to cross over into the MCU and interact with the other Marvel superheroes, just like in the comics. We didn’t know how good we had it.
As most of you probably already know, Disney and Sony have been unable to work out a new contract that would continue to allow Peter Parker/Spider-Man and his supporting cast of characters to mingle with the likes of the Avengers, Doctor Strange, and soon the Fantastic Four and X-Men. Everyone has weighed in on the turmoil, from Kevin Feige to Jon Favreau to Sony Pictures CEO Tony Vinciquerra to Spider-Man himself, Tom Holland, and countless more.

The two brothers who first brought us the MCU Spider-Man have finally weighed in on the matter with their thoughts. The directing duo recently spoke with the Toronto Sun while on the press circuit for their new movie Mosul. When the topic turned to Spidey’s woes, Anthony Russo explained:
“It was so difficult to get him into Civil War. It was an extremely long and hard process. But we were driven to help make it happen. But Kevin Feige pulled it off, somehow… the fact that the marriage fell apart isn’t really that surprising to me and Joe.”
Joe Russo jumped into the conversation, saying:
“It was a tenuous, fraught union throughout the whole process. But, I will say, stepping back and trying to be objective as possible, that I think it’s a tragic mistake on Sony’s part to think that they can replicate Kevin’s penchant for telling incredible stories and the amazing success he has had over the years. I think it’s a big mistake.”
Coming from the pair who handled three of Spider-Man’s five Marvel Cinematic Universe outings, it sounds like things are getting serious when even their efforts fall on deaf ears. No real official definitive statement has been made regarding Spidey’s fate by Disney or Sony. The major players have all commented, sometimes harshly, but they always seem to leave a tiny opening for talks to resume. Only time will tell…