It’s Trivia Tuesday! Which of the below characters did Stan have a hand in creating?
A. Echo
B. Eon
C. Eternity
D. Eel
And the answers are…

C. Eternity and D. Eel!

Eternity isn’t a person but rather an abstract cosmic being, dreamt up by the famous team of Stan Lee and Steve Dikto. Though Eternity was first referred to in the pages of Strange Tales #134 in July 1965, the character didn’t make an appearance until four issues later. Despite—or perhaps because—Eternity is intangible and the quintessence of the multiverse, the entity possesses immense power. One of the upsides to that ability? If Eternity wants a situation to have a certain outcome, it can basically influence the multiverse in order to make it so. (How cool would that be?!)

The Eel fluttered into Marvel Comics way back in September 1963 in the pages of Strange Tales #112. Another brainchild of Stan and Steve Ditko, this villain, aka Leopold Stryke, donned an ensemble that produced an electrical sensation just like its namesake. Not to mention, a slick coat of, well, something covered his suit, assumingly in another attempt to align with his amphibian equivalent. At various times, the Eel joined evil forces with other criminals including Porcupine, Unicorn, and Plantman to battle the likes of the X-Men and other heroes.
As for the other two, do you know their origins? If not, it’s always good to learn something new, right?

Echo was introduced 20 years ago in the pages of Daredevil Vol. 2. #9 in December 1999 by Joe Quesada and David Mack.

Eon was the brainchild of writer/artist Jim Starlin, debuting in Captain Marvel #28 in September 1973.
Every couple of weeks, we’ll spotlight some of Stan’s most obscure co-creations through trivia, starting with A and ending with Z! Stay tuned for ‘F,’ coming soon!