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Unused Doctor Strange Costume Concept Revealed by Marvel Studios!

So much talent and effort go into the making of a Marvel movie, especially behind the scenes. Before footage is even shot, talented artists are hard at work creating different looks and concepts for the action that is to appear on screen.

Over the past several months, fans have been treated to special peeks behind the scenes in the form of unseen concept art. We’re talking unused Avengers: Endgame posters, art featuring Captain Marvel going up against a classic character, different villain designs, alternate character deaths in Endgame, and more.

Well, Ryan Meinerding is at it again! The Head of Visual Development at Marvel Studios is one of the most prolific sources of concept art; just take a look at his Instagram account. Artistic nuggets Meinerding has shared in the past few months include an alternate fate for Captain America’s shield and a peek at young Thanos, among others.

This time, Meinerding has unveiled something having to do with Doctor Strange: a quite different take on the Sorcerer Supreme’s costume. (Hey, at least in this art he appears in his own clothing – remember that recently shared visual that showed Doctor Strange in Iron Man’s suit?!)  

The two key elements that stick out in this version of his Cloak of Levitation are the blue and gold tones and the stronger sense of Asian influence in the design. While Doctor Strange indeed donned a blue cloak in some earlier comicbook appearances, this look is more unfamiliar to movie audiences, who are used to seeing the Doc draped in red. However, there is another Doctor Strange solo flick coming in the near future, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and who’s saying what the Sorcerer Supreme will appear in then!

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