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An Interactive Evening with ‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’ in New York City

The past few weeks have been filled with hype—well deserved, in our opinion—for the newest entry in the Spider-Man canon, Sony’s animated feature Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

As we’ve written about previously, had the honor of attending the world premiere of the film in early December. We were truly touched by all the wonderful tributes to Stan Lee both on the red carpet and in the movie itself. Clearly, Stan’s memory and the magnificent legacy he left behind will live on for audiences of all ages to enjoy and cherish, especially through new iterations of iconic characters like Spider-Man.

Aside from the world premiere, was recently invited to an exclusive Spidey experience hosted by Sony Pictures Animation and Synchrony Bank in New York City. The interactive event included an entertaining spiderweb installation, an exciting AR quest, and appearances from several cast members, including Shameik Moore (voice of Miles Morales), Jake Johnson (Peter B. Parker), Kathryn Hahn (Doc Ock), and Luna Lauren Velez (Rio Morales).

Right from the start, we could tell this experience would be, well, different: Upon arrival at the address, a sign reminiscent of a New York City subway, labeled Bridge Street Station, welcomed us.

From there, we entered a subway car that looked and sounded very much like a New York City staple. We were even reminded to “stand clear of the closing doors, please!” The one way you could tell it wasn’t authentic? The car was missing a mass of wall-to-wall people.


An exit at the end of the subway car led to a room where the party took place. The first thing our eyes focused on was a massive, intricate spider-web design suspended from the ceiling that stretched across a large portion of the interior. And what were those large money bags dangling from parts of the web? We’d soon find out…


As we toured the area, we spotted notes from Miles Morales along the walls, which served as the entry point to the game we were about to play.

Miles needed our help? Sure thing! The QR code directed us to a web address that opened an AR viewer. In this experience, we were playing as Spider-Man, and we used our phones to aim at the money bags, shoot, and grab them. While there were no actual prizes to be won, getting the chance to indulge in our inner Spider-Man was a treat! Even some of the movie’s stars who were present, like Shameik Moore, got into the action. It was certainly cool seeing Miles Morales try his luck!


Check out the video below to see how we navigated the game!

As we enjoyed the interactive experience, Into the Spider-Verse stars walked the red carpet, mingled and took photos with guests. Near the end of the evening, Synchrony Bank, along with the cast members in attendance, presented a check for $250,000 to the nonprofit organization buildOn to help young people learn how to save like a hero. The kind gesture falls in line with the movie we were all celebrating, because helping others is truly what Spider-Man is all about.

Thank you again to Sony Pictures Animation for inviting us to this Spidey experience! Please enjoy more photos from the event below.







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